Friday, October 1, 2010

Paul McCartney makes a library joke about Bush

During a concert at the White House, Paul McCartney said:

"After the last eight years, it's great to have a president who knows what a library is."

Elmo wants to know:

"Why didn't Paul spend more time in a library?"

If he would have spent more time here:

during the 60's, instead of spending all his time on free love and free dope:

maybe he would have known to have one of these drawn up:

before he did this:

"Heather at the ba-ank with money"
After the divorce, Mills got a lump sum of £16.5m, together with assets of £7.8m
  Now who's the big dum-dum dummy?

Don McLean and the song "American Pie" - 1971

People used to say it was about a lot of things, but most agreed that 'the day the music died' referred to February 3, 1959, when Buddy Holly, J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson, and Richie Valens died in a plane crash.

I was 16 in 1971, and there is a line in the song that I misintepreted for a long time:

"And while Lenin read a book on Marx"

I thought he was saying that John Lennon was reading a book about Groucho Marx.

Whether it was because the song was about music, or because I never learned about Vladimir Lenin and Karl Marx, I like my intepretation better.

This is a good example of the dumbing down of kids in the public school system and why the government should get out of the education business.

...Or I led a sheltered life as a child.

Given the efforts by the American Atheists and the ACLU to remove the following from Social Studies textbooks, I am guessing the next generation will know who Lenin and Marx are, and that they will be studied as great leaders, as MAO was to Anita Dunn:

· Christmas
· Neil Armstrong
· The Liberty Bell

As for me, I would still rather believe that Don McLean was talking about the Beatles and the man who had the television show, "You Bet Your Life".

Cheap shot at the Grammy Awards

The Grammy gods choose to pay tribute to a man, love him, or hate him, who devoted his life to composing and performing the most influential music we will probably ever see, by pushing the global warming agenda.

Not only that, but they also do something that the man, Michael Jackson, was wholeheartedly against, and that is, exposing his children to the media and the public. He feared the media would exploit them, and last night at the Grammys, that is exactly what happened.

Not being up on today's music trends, by choice not for the reasons my parents hated my music growing up, I only watched the Grammys to see the much-publicized Michael Jackson 3-D tribute. I did not have 3-D glasses, so maybe the 'saving the Earth' video would have had a bigger impact on me than it did, but I doubt it.

It was a fifteen-minute tribute to a man who died suddenly, who died too young, and who gave us more than four decades of music. It was a disgrace! Instead of doing a medley of his hits, which certainly would have taken longer than fifteen minutes, they choose to have five singers do one of his songs, with Michael's voice intertwined between them. I would have enjoyed it more if Usher sang it by himself. Carrie Underwood seemed out of place trying to be 'soulful', and Jennifer Hudson screamed through most of the song.

The worst of it, though, would definitely have to be the moment when they forced Michael Jackson's children out on the stage to accept the award. The only thing they know right now about their dad, is that he was their dad and he loved them very much. They do not understand the enormous impact their father had on generations of fans. They were there for one reason, and one reason only, to exploit them. If they wanted to make the performance and award mean more, the Grammy people would have at the very least, invited Michael's brothers, the rest of the Jackson 5, to accept the award. Janet Jackson could have easily have stepped into that role as well. I think the whole thing was a shameful display of the Grammys' attempt at getting viewers who normally would not tune in, to watch.

The only bright spot of the incredibly drawn out awards' show, was Elton John and Lady Gaga together on stage. My 17-year-old son said to me that Lady Gaga is today's Elton John, and he is right. I first went to see Elton John in concert in 1976. With his wild outfits, his crazy antics on stage, and his incredible music, it was the enough to make me go see him in concert numerous times over the years. The difference between Lady Gaga's crazy clothes and Pink's Cirgue du Soleil water ride, with her whole hiney showing, is that Lady Gaga can sing.

Beyonce, who in my opinion, cannot sing and sounds the same in every one of the songs I have heard her ever sing, and she grabs her crotch. Personally, I was less offended by Adam Lambert's sexual connotations at the American Music Awards, than I was seeing Beyonce in an evening gown, grabbing at her private parts. Is this what we have become? Is that behavior from a woman on national television acceptable?

Ringo Starr looked great and I believe he was being polite when he said he listens to all types of music and enjoys the music of the people attending the Grammys. The members of Fleetwood Mac were harshly honest, when asked if they liked Lady Gaga. The looks on their faces said it all.

Bon Jovi was a bright spot in the show and surprisingly voters agreed with my choice of song, "Living on a Prayer". I also love his, "Who Says You Can't Go Home". I just find it amazing that the same people, who listen to Beyonce, also listen to the chipmunk-y voice of Taylor Swift, and the classic rocker, Jon Bon Jovi.

If anything, watching the Grammys was a learning experience. It taught me more about the declining morals of this generation, through no fault of its own. My generation listened to Stevie Wonder and Elton John at the Grammys, minus the bare butts.